Frequently Asked Questions

Global Billionaire Network

No, you are free to view and consume anything you can see on the website.

To be a member of the Billionaire Network you first need to register for for a  Global Network Membership which is completely free and gives you access to all content you can see and the ability to interact with any opportunity if you think you can close the deal.  

You can upgrade at any time to be part of the Billionaire Network which provides high end off market opportunities direct from UBO’s and Proven Mandates along with all the unique content we are know for. Sign Up today, you have nothing to loose! 

The paid membership we offer is specifically for off market opportunities that can’t be advertised openly, this includes distressed opportunities or sensitive projects. 

The Billionaire Network makes a small charge for listing an opportunity to cover costs of preparing and posting right across our network. Please note we do not have a time limit, your opportunity stays listed until is is either closed or you ask us to remove it. 

No, there are no paid elements of the network once you are a paid member.    

Yes, paid members can discuss and do business with whoever they choose.

For Billionaire Network membership pricing please go HERE

Billionaire Network Commisions

No, the Billionaire Network make opportunities a reality and we require a matching percentage form any fees being paid.

The fees can vary that the Billionaire Network will require depending on what the opportunity is being listed. We always discuss feea and commissions prior to it going out on the network.

That’s a large team you have there but we are one entity and you are one entity irrespective of how may you have to pay down the line. 

No problem, lets say there are 5 genuine proven KYC/CIS parties to be paid and the commissions are 10% then the Billionaire Network will require 2%

That is for discussion depending on what the opportunity is. We are completely transparent on commissions.  

Opportunity Listing

Yes, anything you can see without being a paid member is free to interact with.

No, any opportunity you can see without being a paid member is free to interact with. If you think you can work and close any opportunity then simply fill out and submit the from and one of our partners from around the world with contact you.

All of our opportunities have commission already included for the Billionaire Network. If you are in the position to close one of our opportunities the commission % to you would have already been agreed with us. Commission % vary depending on the oportunity.

If you are the proven owner or proven mandate your listing will go directly into the Paid Member feed.

The Billionaire Network makes a small charge for listing an opportunity to cover costs of preparing and posting right across our network. Please note we do not have a time limit, your opportunity stays listed until is is either closed or you ask us to remove it. 

The Billionaire Network has an tier of UHNWI, Business people and Entrepreneurs who want prequalified opportunities where they can deal instantly with the UBO or Documented mandate.   

Yes, just ask for a signed mandate from your direct relationship and then make your listing. 

Yes, just ask for a signed mandate from your direct relationship and then make your listing. 

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