Training & Development Policy
The Billionaire Network LTD
Part of Billionaire Network LTD’s Corporate Strategy is to appropriately train its people. Billionaire Network LTD recognises that its people are its greatest asset and like other assets they appreciate in value through a combination of experience, training and development.
Billionaire Network LTD regards “Investing in People” as a positive way of ensuring a successful future, and will continue to strive to maintain accreditation of this standard through continual investment in Training and Development in line with the Organisations Business Strategy.
Responsibility for Training and Development lies with the Training and Compliance Manager. A regular report will be submitted to the Board of Directors to outline the status of Training and Development activity within Billionaire Network LTD.
Billionaire Network LTD’s Training and Development Policy and Strategy are designed to ensure that all employees have the right skills, knowledge and attitude to carry out their role competently and safely.
Training and Development contributes in a positive way at Billionaire Network LTD to future decisions regarding pay and promotion.
Equal Opportunities
All staff within Billionaire Network LTD have equal access to Training and Development opportunities. Any employee that has Learning difficulties or problems of any nature should bring this to the attention of their immediate Line Manager during or shortly after induction, so that their needs can be addressed.
This policy has been formulated to ensure that the implementation of Training and Development is linked to the strategic aims, core values, key objectives and targets of Billionaire Network LTD as specified in the Business Plan and underpinned by Departmental plans. Only then can Billionaire Network LTD proceed to measure whether it has the right people in place with the right competencies, knowledge, experience or capabilities necessary to meet current and future requirements.
It provides a consistent framework for Training and Development to ensure that our workforce:
- Are competent to meet the current requirements of their role and the future needs of the organisation
- Are able to perform consistently to the highest standards
- Are jointly responsible to develop both personally and professionally
- Are assisted in developing their performance through effective management and support
Identifying Training Needs
Training and Development needs within Billionaire Network LTD are identified in a number of ways, namely:
- Induction
- The Individual
- Performance and Development Review (IPDR)
- End of Probation Review
- Change in Job Role
- By the Line Manager following observation or involvement in the individuals work
- External influences such as changes to working practices, Health and Safety, Legislation, Employment Law.
Introduction of new equipment, technology or procedures - Internal and External Audit Review
Any needs identified take account of and comply with the Training and Development Policy.
All training received by Billionaire Network LTD staff will be recorded on an electronic individual training record and a hard copy filed.
The following person is responsible for assuring that all parties conform to the present declaration, whether it be Billionaire Network LTD staff or clients of Billionaire Network LTD and their subscribers. Any person wishing to comment or lodge a complaint of non-conformity of the declaration at hand is asked to contact us here.