Billionaire Network Makes Temporary Payment Changes Due To Possible Crypto Winter

The team at the Billionaire Network have decided to temporarily put in place the ability to use Fiat as payment through the network. Over the last few weeks we have all seen some very disappointing events in the Crypto space and it is our belief that things are only going to get worse before they improve.

Currently this will be temporary but we have no date set for things to return to Billionaire (BILL) payments only but we envisage that to be once the crypto markets (especially BTC) improve by quite a margin.

This does not affect paying for anything using our native cryptocurrency Billionaire (BILL) but we have switched on our other payment gateways which displays the $ (USD) symbol rather than BILL

The Fiat method of payments directly of this website are: Bank Transfer, Stripe Card Payments and PayPal Account and Card Payments.

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