Billionaire Network Telegram Changes

The Billionaire Network would like to announce changes to it’s Telegram and they way we will be using it from now. Firstly we have merged all channels and groups together of trusted members to construct the very best of what we all have to offer. All other channels and group have now been closed and if you are reading this and feel you have somehow been left out of the merger then please contact us and let us know as there may have been some people missed out.

Due to the ever expanding offerings we supply you all the new upgraded private group now runs using topics so we can section off listing in appropriate topics for more specific ease.

Switching over to topics with such a vast amount openly available already we require a slow republishing of listings and we suggest you mute the group for a while until this is all complete due to notifications.

If you would like to join this highly exclusive Telegram group then please apply here Telegram

Just as a reminder we also have these other social channels you can join and we appreciate your participance.








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Billionaire Network Telegram Changes
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