Very Large Faberge Egg Collection For Sale

The Billionaire Network is proud to offer this very rare collection of high commission gold pieces made by the best goldsmith masters active at the Russian Tsars 1me (Romanov Dynasty).

Short Description

• Core interest consists of 5 eggs, collected with great passion by very wealthy “fans” around the world.
• Eggs were made for very few privileged people, like the Tsars but also the Rothschilds , the Vanderbilt’s , the Kelch: it is es1mated that about 100 copies were made all over the world and 53 were directly commissioned by the Imperial Family.
• The collection is completed by refined unique pieces – including a golden vase with double-headed eagle (“Aquila Biceps”) and imperial initials.
• The en1re collection was gathered from a single property, which holds all the rights.

These collections are very rare and if more information is required then you as a buyer or buyers official mandate will have to show willing.


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Very Large Faberge Egg Collection
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